Barbados has emerged as the top Caribbean country in a recent worldwide report on Information Technology.
The 2012 Global Information Technology Report ranks Barbados 35th of 142 countries covered in the report, with a score of 4.61 in the Networked Readiness Index.
The island ranked particularly well in the areas of Skills and Political and regulatory environment, reflecting the heavy emphasis that Barbados places on education as well as stable and effective governance. In fact Barbados ranked 10th in the world for Quality of math and science education.
The report acknowledges that the Caribbean and Latin American region continue to lag behind in adopting Information and Communication Technology but points to Barbados, Puerto Rico, Chile, and Uruguay as exceptions.
In the case of Barbados, the strong skill base (10th) results in a large individual uptake of technology (24th) and offsets the high costs of using ICT (102nd).

Barbados also ranked well for Mobile network coverage, with 99.9% of the population covered by a mobile network signal, although mobile rates remain high.
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