It’s been many years since the Barbados Boardwalk was erected on the South Coast in Hastings. The original story at has now been imported for this update. Along with new images it show the changes that have taken place over a decade of history following the construction. Vegetation has grown and the beaches have been built up as a result of the groynes and promenades built out into the ocean.
The adjoining landmarks have changed. Some have gone, some are waiting to be rebuilt and some are brand-new buildings. Vacant lots along the boardwalk are now seaside cafes and restaurants. It’s all documented here and it is still a work in progress.
This page is a speed walk of the Barbados Boardwalk. It goes back in time to 2008 through history of the now famous landmark. The original images and descriptions are preserved. New images and updates follow the original images and descriptions. The narrative takes you from the Northern end to Accra- There is a fun video at the end of speed walking the boardwalk from Accra. Much has changed and much is changing still.

Northern Start of Boardwalk, 2020

At the western entrance, the coconut-lined shores turn to soft white sand, leading to lovely shallow pools, which are popular with families as both the old and young can splash in the calm waters. Benches overlooking these pools invite you to relax and watch the sun set. Here you’ll also find Camelot – an original home much refurbished by a leading architect in his unique design, with finishes inspired by the Barbados Chattel House.
Shrubs and Plants, 2008
Much of the boardwalk is lined with tropical plants and shrubs. Hardy shrubs are intermingled with flowering plants, adding to the overall beauty.
They were small and shabby plants in 2008; now in full-colour bloom in 2020.
Abundant Vegetation, 2020
Private Homes, 2008

Past the South Ocean Villas are a couple of private homes. Most are owner-occupied and they too had misgivings and some still worry about the crowds.
Few can fault the work and the construction. The boardwalk has enhanced many a property with more beaches and greater water access.
Stay in a vacation condo at South Ocean Villas to enjoy stunning ocean views and direct access to the boardwalk.
The buildings look much the same but they are now dressed in bright green foliage and sparkling red, white and yellow Caribbean flowers.
Private Homes, 2020 – Set in a Floral Landscape
Lush Landscape and Homes along the Barbados Boardwalk
Heritage House, 2008
Coral stone, brick, concrete and mortar A fresco of creams and greys
A heritage house sits behind this wall. The old wall still stands, protecting the heritage home – a sculpture in coral stone, brick, concrete and mortar, aged by nature and dressed in flora moss and things that grow on walls, sand and seaside soil.
It is a fresco of subtle creams and greys, textured and patched with pink and green. Many hands have made this piece of art. It cannot be replaced with a more modern structure. It is protected by the Barbados National Trust and must be repaired in keeping with its look and heritage – a mixed bag of brick, coral stone, granite, mortar and cement. Painted and bare, eroded and rustic – an original!
Heritage House, 2020
Driftwood stairway Spectacular Scenery and Vistas along the way
Iron Bars on Holding Pen, 2018

Iron bars set in thick stone, 2008. Is it a secure shed under a bougainvillea roof, perhaps a pantry? Not so! During an infamous time in its varied history, this was a slave-holding area. In 2020, it is camouflaged with flora.
Iron Bars – a Hidden History in 2020

The boardwalk stretches 1.6 km between Camelot and the famous Barbados Accra Beach. It takes you past history, wind, sand, sea and salt. Past restaurants, hotels, beach bars and places to sit and stare. You will enjoy the waves, wind and chatter, humming as you go. People smile and share.
Just before the Bandstand, there is now Blakey’s, a restaurant that plays live music several times a week.
2020 – Blakey’s Restaurant with Live Entertainment

The Rocks Bandstand, 2018

The Rocks Bandstand, 2020
Band on the Rocks – a meeting point
Walking on, we pass jetties built into the sea – places that are cool and invigorating in a strong wind.
Past new sandy beaches leading to the old police bandstand at the Hastings Rocks. The Royal Barbados Police Force Band, which has published several excellent CDs, still plays music here on occasions. Hastings Rocks is also a favourite venue for fairs and get-togethers.
Massive concrete blocks hold the hardwood walkway together. Below them and under the sand, granite boulders from Canada secure the footing. Built to withstand a hurricane, this walkway is meant to last.
Police Band in Action, 2020
Flora, Beach, Rocks & Sea

Walking on, you pass trees preserved and some added, planters made with coral stone and filled with earth, edging sand. Past beaches, sea and inshore reefs. Past tidal pools in the low tide. Past school children skipping rocks in their seaside playground.
In 2020, there are secret coves and swim spots along the path, now hidden by lush flora! In a decade of growth, nature adorns the landscape.
Past places to stop, to sit and stare, to feel the cool sea spray like a tonic on your face.

2020 – New Beach Restaurants Before Tapas
Several Beach Restaurants have sprung up between the Beach Facility and Tapas. The empty lots are now being rented by entrepreneurs who trucked in containers and set up their beachfront kitchens – Chill Bar & Grill, Lord of the Wings and Oasis.

Fine Dining – Tapas

Tapas Restaurant faces directly onto the boardwalk with tables set permanently on the patio – the European style of pavement dining.
2020 – Path to Tapas
Tapas’ ocean view – Dining on the beach
Past Tapas is the new Baby Doll Restaurant, followed by the long-standing KFC.

2020 – New Beach Restaurant Before KFC

Rain and Clouds
On the boardwalk, you will experience all kinds of weather. Rain, clouds, storms and raging seas create another world of effect and feeling. In the distance behind, dark rain clouds hide the sun as it gleams through and lights up the sea with a magical effect.
Fishing in the Rain

Catch is bucketed; the dog still digs. Rain brings fish Dog & man move with the catch into a silver light.
They fish in all weather – rain or sun.
The weather changes quickly in Barbados. Here there are scattered showers as storm clouds from the Atlantic move overhead. Soon they will be gone and it will be sunny again – see a sunny day picture.
2008 – Looking back (from KFC) . KFC Promenade juts 100 feet into the sea
Rock Wood & Ocean Sparkle
Rock and wood gleam in the mottled light. In the distance are the South Ocean Condos.
The main Boardwalk Promenade juts out 100 feet to the sea. It is landscaped with palms and crazy stones with many places to sit. They were tiny plants here in 2008 but, as you will see in the video below, it has flourished and the palms and almonds are mature trees now.
It’s right in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken, which tempts all to pick up a snack box and eat by the sea.
The Playground, 2008
This was a rocky ocean Boys posing for photos A pram brigade
Previously on the edge of an inshore reef, KFC now has a playground at its door and an endless tide of people stopping by.
Boys pose for a family who thinks they are brothers. People are friendly and relaxed.
A pram brigade passes KFC. These mums walk quickly and do several laps on the boardwalk. They passed me several times, while I move slowly with a camera. Excuses! I’m going to get in shape soon!
Inshore Reefs & Tide Pools, 2008
Along the boardwalk, there are many inshore pools and reefs, as well as man-made reefs and groynes. There are shady beaches and places to dip, swim and relax.
Remnants of inshore reef systems are bolstered with new groynes to build up beaches. At low tide, tide pools trap fish and sea creatures. Sea cats (a small octopus) hide here and are much sought after by local fishermen. Walk early to catch the action!
You will see local fishing boats going out to sea in the morning and returning in the late afternoon. Local boats are not allowed to fish in the inside reef so some will drop nets outside of the reef and encircle fish. It’s a old-fashioned way – men jump into the water and herd the fish into the nets, then jump back in to pull in the net and fish.
Gardeners at Work, 2008
Gardening Taking care of the walkway & plants
Gardeners take care of the new planting on the promenades. It’s hard to believe that the grass is growing where the sea was a while ago!
From the main jetty in front of KFC, one can see right to Accra Beach at the end of the boardwalk.
The big news in 2020 was the cleanup of Sargassum. It’s a periodic event that plays havoc with the beaches – See more here >>>
Heavy Duty Cleanup, 2020
Harlequin – Mirror, Mirror Gone
Harlequin, 2008 Mirror, mirror on the wall Opa/Naru Restaurant
Harlequin Resorts are in the process of refurbishing the old Allamanda Beach Hotel, which boasts an amazing location right on the boardwalk. Update, 2020 – its boarded up now and awaiting a buyer.
The mirror before this restaurant is actually a window in the Pearl dining room! Before you adjust your apparel and apparatus, be warned – you may be being watched! Diners apparently enjoy the show.
The mirror has gone. It is now Naru, an open restaurant that once hid behind the reflection.
Past Naru is commercial centre. It is on the roadside, behind Almond Bay. Here you can get Jamaican Jerk Chicken that is as good as it is in Jamaica. That’s because the owners are Jamaican! Bistro Monet, a small bistro serving tasty fare, is now called Salt.
Commercial Centre

The boardwalk to Accra travels close to established buildings, restaurants and hotels.
Spider lily and sea cabbage bloom here in perfusion. In this video, you can also see the spot where the mirror was.
Blue Pineapple Restaurant
This was a hopping spot before the COVID-19 lockdown. It is not open yet but the Baby Doll, owned by the same people, is. We expect it will open shortly.

Magic Isle Apartments

The first property at the start of the boardwalk and next to Accra Beach Hotel is Magic Isle Apartments. It offers one and two-bedroom apartments at rates of under US $200 for four people in the two-bedroom.
In 2020, beach flora has overtaken much of the side areas, creating more privacy for hotels and homes along the way.
Accra Beach, 2008
Boardwalk Accra, 2008 Accra Beach Accra Beach Hotel
On the walk with the sun behind you, the horizon is clear and the sea a deep blue. There is usually some wave action at Accra, which makes it good for body surfing. Swimming at Accra is excellent. The large offshore reef, about 100 yards out to sea, is a habitat to many varieties of fish. Bring along your goggles!
Wherever you start, Accra Beach will be a port of call. Accra is one of Barbados’ most popular beaches, deep and long with good shade and a lot of activity.
In 2020, it is lusher and the beach is deeper.
Accra Beach, 2020

Accra Beach Hotel

Accra Beach Hotel is close to the boardwalk on the north of the beach. It has a sunken swimming pool and a swim-up bar. It’s a popular 4-star hotel with several restaurants and conference facilities. Prices are reasonable. Book and save with Accra Beach Hotel.
At the southern end of the beach, a few hundred yards from the boardwalk, is Champers. Considered by many to be one of the best restaurants in Barbados, Champers also has an excellent art gallery showcasing colourful Caribbean Art. It is a lovely space with an excellent view and 5-star dining.
Swimming Champers Restaurant
Walking the Boardwalk – The Story
Start at either the western (Camelot) or eastern (Accra) end… or anywhere in between!
If you are an early morning walker, walking from Accra will mean having the sun at your back and that will be best for taking pictures on the first leg but not on the return.
For a sunset view, walk from Camelot and you will return looking at the sunset rather than returning in the dark. Time it so you start before 5pm, walk briskly and return leisurely to the setting sun. Sunsets are about 6pm in winter and approximately 30 minutes later in summer.
Walking fast will take about 11 minutes one way. Expect to take 20 minutes for a stroll.
Walking from Camelot is also best for seeing the sunrise, as you will be walking into the sunrise and returning with the sun at your back. Just right for picture-taking and avoiding the sun in your eyes.

Speedy Walking The Boardwalk Video – Accra to Camalot
History – Built For Sustainability
The Boardwalk was built to provide safe access to beaches and preserve the sand from constant erosion. The engineering behind it is massive. Tons of granite rock were shipped in from Canada to bolster the walkways and stabilize construction. Rocks were dug deep into the sand – at least 6 feet deep and up to 20 feet in some places. The footing is solid and built to withstand hurricane-force winds and waves.
From 2002, the Barbados Coastal Conservation Unit has “built headlands, breakwaters, retaining walls, and walkways and revetments to stabilize its shoreline and control beach erosion on the south and west coasts.” Source: IADB
Sea tides, waves and currents constantly erode the shore and remove sand, beaches and shorelines. Building groynes, artificial reefs and bulkheads create an infrastructure that traps and anchors the sand. Of course, it cannot be done haphazardly and much research is needed to understand the shifting tides and position the structures accordingly.
When positioned correctly, the groynes and promenades create a barrier and trap the sand, causing it to back fill the beaches. By 2013, just 5 years after construction, the sand had built up to over 26,000 cubic metres, an increase in average beach width of 20 metres.
The natural buildup continues. In some places, mounds of sand tower some 4 feet high above the boardwalk. The boardwalk maintenance crew is constantly at work to sweep and clear the walkway that would otherwise be buried in sand.

Brazilian Walnut Wood Paves the Way
Brazilian Walnut (IPE wood) is native to South and Central America. It is one of the densest hardwoods with ratings compared to steel and concrete. It is so dense that it does not float. This is a nice feature if you are building on sand. It has lasted in place for 12 years now, with little wear and tear, through storms and heavy foot traffic.

Some work was done in 2020 around the Bandstand at the Rocks. For the most part, the wood has weathered well. Nails and screws will break loose over time and loose boards need attention. But for the most part, maintenance has been trouble-free, with the biggest problem now being too much sand. That is an excellent problem to have for a tourism island!
Barbados Book – Unsung Heros & Rogues in Paradise
I loved how you instantly catapult us into the rhythm of Barbados with Ace, and that carries through – great imagery/scene-setting. The stories throughout are fantastic, and you have a real skill for injecting us into the heart of a scene, making us able to visualize and feel like we too are experiencing it. Donna Hillyer- Editor Publisher – see

The boardwalk and hastings farmers market are featured in Rogues in Paradise.
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