Barbados weather in September
What weather to expect
September is one of the months of highest rainfall in Barbados. Showers can be heavy but are usually very brief and you're likely to see many days full of sunshine!
Although September is within the Hurricane Season, the chance of the island being hit is low as storms typically veer well north of the island.
Typical September Weather
Daytime high: 31°C / 88°F
Nighttime low: 25°C / 77°F
Hours of Sunshine
8 hours daily
High (158mm)
Relative Humidity
Medium (81%)

September Travel Tips
There's no denying that when visiting Barbados in September you're likely to see some showers. When the raindrops fall, take a brief break from the beach and enjoy indoor activities such as duty-free shopping and exploring our wonderful museums.
Rainy Day Barbados Activities
Best Barbados Hotel Deals
Despite the possibility of rain, September is still a great month to visit Barbados. Plus rates are traditionally at their lowest in this month.
Note: Information provided is based on historical data and personal experience. No guarantees can be made with respect to future weather.