Barbados weather in July
What weather to expect
It's always summer in Barbados, even during the "rainy season". In July showers typically pass quickly and sunny blue skies are quickly restored.
July does fall within the hurricane season, however the island has not been hit by a major hurricane since 1955. The last hurricane to directly affect Barbados was in 1980. Due to our position in the Caribbean, the likelihood of a direct hit by a hurricane or major storm is relatively low.
Typical July Weather
Daytime high: 30°C / 86°F
Nighttime low: 25°C / 77°F
Hours of Sunshine
8 hours daily
Medium (133mm)
Relative Humidity
Medium (81%)

July Travel Tips
July is a wonderful time to visit as many Barbados hotels are offering summer specials and deals. Check out for savings! Restaurants and car rentals also offer reduced prices at this time of year. Towards the end of the month prices pick up a bit as the Crop Over summer festival reaches its peak and visitors start flocking to the island.
Recommended July Activities
Best Barbados Hotel Deals
Lots of visitors head to Barbados in July for Crop Over carnival celebrations. Be sure to book your accommodation early.
July Travel Special

Note: Information provided is based on historical data and personal experience. No guarantees can be made with respect to future weather.