Barbados Weather Forecast
5 day forecast
The 5 day Barbados weather forecast is shown below. Bookmark this page to keep it handy when you're travelling to Barbados.
Jan 30th
light rain
High: 26.7 C (80 F)
Low: 23.8 C (75 F)
Relative humidity: 66%
Cloud cover: 2%
High: 26.7 C (80 F)
Low: 23.8 C (75 F)
Relative humidity: 66%
Cloud cover: 2%
Jan 31st
moderate rain
High: 26.0 C (79 F)
Low: 23.2 C (74 F)
Relative humidity: 70%
Cloud cover: 4%
High: 26.0 C (79 F)
Low: 23.2 C (74 F)
Relative humidity: 70%
Cloud cover: 4%
Feb 1st
light rain
High: 25.6 C (78 F)
Low: 23.1 C (74 F)
Relative humidity: 68%
Cloud cover: 10%
High: 25.6 C (78 F)
Low: 23.1 C (74 F)
Relative humidity: 68%
Cloud cover: 10%
Feb 2nd
light rain
High: 25.8 C (78 F)
Low: 22.8 C (73 F)
Relative humidity: 70%
Cloud cover: 13%
High: 25.8 C (78 F)
Low: 22.8 C (73 F)
Relative humidity: 70%
Cloud cover: 13%
Feb 3rd
light rain
High: 25.7 C (78 F)
Low: 23.1 C (74 F)
Relative humidity: 70%
Cloud cover: 3%
High: 25.7 C (78 F)
Low: 23.1 C (74 F)
Relative humidity: 70%
Cloud cover: 3%
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