Barbados weather in May
What weather to expect
May is another great month to visit Barbados with nearly 9 hours of sunshine and strong cooling winds.
This is the last month of the dry season so rainfall remains low in May. By June there will be more rain but temperatures will still be warm.
The official hurricane season hasn't started yet.
Typical May Weather
Daytime high: 31°C / 88°F
Nighttime low: 25°C / 77°F
Hours of Sunshine
9 hours daily
Low (79mm)
Relative Humidity
Low (78%)

May Travel Tips
Be sure to pack all the essentials for a tropical holiday - sunblock, sunglasses and lots of beachwear! Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep hydrated.
Gospelfest is one of the top events on the calendar during May.
Top May Activities
Best Barbados Hotel Deals
May is another lovely warm and sunny month on the island. Perfect for a Barbados beach holiday!
Note: Information provided is based on historical data and personal experience. No guarantees can be made with respect to future weather.