Barbados weather in March
What weather to expect
As we head towards summer, the temperatures pick up a little bit both during the day and night. However the cooling north-east tradewinds keep things comfortable.
March is typically a very dry month with little rainfall. With 9 hours of sunshine daily, it's the perfect time to visit Barbados.
Hurricane season is still some months away, so no worries in that regard.
Typical March Weather
Daytime high: 30°C / 86°F
Nighttime low: 23°C / 73°F
Hours of Sunshine
9 hours daily
Very low (38mm)
Relative Humidity
Low (75%)
March Travel Tips
Be sure to pack lots of sunblock, your sunglasses/shades and summerwear!
Popular events in March are the Oistins Fish Festival (which coincides with Easter weekend so March/April), the Sandy Lane Gold Cup horse race, and the Open House season.
Recommended March Activities
Best Barbados Hotel Deals
A lovely month for a Barbados holiday March books up quickly, so start planning early.
Note: Information provided is based on historical data and personal experience. No guarantees can be made with respect to future weather.