Barbados weather in December
What weather to expect
In December the weather is a bit cooler reaching a high of 29°C / 84°F during the day and dipping to a pleasant 23°C / 73°F at night.
December is considerably drier than November and October, leading nicely into the official start of the dry season in January. You can expect warm and sunny conditions most days in December.
December falls outside of the Atlantic hurricane season so no need to worry about storms ruining your vacation.
Typical December Weather
Daytime high: 29°C / 84°F
Nighttime low: 23°C / 73°F
Hours of Sunshine
8 hours daily
Medium (89mm)
Relative Humidity
Low (79%)

December Travel Tips
The peak tourism season starts in mid-December when prices at hotels and vacation rentals increase significantly. For the best deals travel in early December when summer rates still apply.
Barbadians enjoy celebrating Christmas and typically adorn their houses and businesses with beautiful Christmas lights. Restaurants offer special Christmas lunches throughout December featuring Bajan favourites such as baked ham and jug-jug! The Run Barbados series takes place in early December with runs, walks and a marathon.
Recommended December Activities
Best Barbados Hotel Deals
December is a very popular month for visiting Barbados (especially at Christmas and New Years). Book early to secure your chosen accommodation.
Note: Information provided is based on historical data and personal experience. No guarantees can be made with respect to future weather.