What's Hot in Barbados

Barbados weather in August

More About Barbados options

What weather to expect

August is in the middle of Barbados' rainy season and there's likely to be some showers during the month. The good news is that the rains are quickly driven off-island by the constant tradewinds, so that sunny weather is soon restored.

August is also within the Atlantic hurricane season. Again there is good news, as Barbados has not been struck by a major hurricane since 1955!

Typical August Weather

temperature Temperature
Daytime high: 31°C / 88°F
Nighttime low: 25°C / 77°F

hours of sunshine Hours of Sunshine
9 hours daily

rainfall Rainfall
Medium (142mm)

humidity Relative Humidity
Medium (81%)

The temperature, and the fun, is HOT in August!

August Travel Tips

Although it's the rainy season there is lots of sunshine and the temperatures are pretty warm (usually a max. of 31°C / 88°F) so remember to apply sunscreen and drink lots of water.

The Crop Over summer festival reaches its peak on the first Monday in August with the grand carnival parade (called Kadooment). Visit the island at the end of July & early August to experience the fun and excitement of this typical Caribbean festival.

Recommended August Activities

Best Barbados Hotel Deals

Rates are higher in early August (for Crop Over carnival season). To save, book your stay for after the first week of August.

August Travel Special

Special offer Sail through immigration and clear customs quickly when you arrive in Barbados, with the Fast Track Arrival Service ››


Note: Information provided is based on historical data and personal experience. No guarantees can be made with respect to future weather.

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