What's Hot in Barbados

"Traveler's Tree" or "Traveler's Palm"

more Barbados things to do
Travelers Tree/Palm

This tree grows like a giant open fan and is a relative of the Banana tree. Some people call it a palm, others say that is incorrect.

There are many delightful specimens of these trees in Barbados, for example in Andromeda Gardens.

This tree grows well in full sunlight, however just like its cousin, the Banana tree, it looks best when provided with plenty of water and living in not too windy a location.

It is said .... If a traveler stands directly in front of a Traveler's Tree while in Barbados and makes a wish in "good spirit" - that wish will definitely come true! (Let us know when they do!)

Horticulture enthusiasts should not miss a visit to Flower Forest Botanical Gardens!

© Margaret P.M. Bourne


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