Barbados Street Vendors

Hello DoDo Darling, you coming to buy some tropical sunripe banana? Full and firm and ripe with vitamin. Yes, yes, I understand you get Banana in de supermarket back home, and dem is good. Come from we Island probably. But dey can't taste the same like tree ripe tropical fruit.
Dem import/export fruit is cut green, ship like cargo and force ripe, it can't taste the same like we home grown banana, left to ripe 'pon de tree and carry here with love and care. !!?
Debro's banana done fresh pick by hand off we very own tree, just yesterday, plenty fresh and nice, and bring here with love and care, just for you darling.
And you never tasted Mango 'til you try Mr. Julie, too sweet, busting with flavour and goodness.
No chemical and artificial fertilizers messing up we soil, das a fact.
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