Artocarpus Altilis(Communis) "Breadfruit"

This large beautiful tree is one of our "evergreen" fruit trees and grows profusely on the island. It was first introduced into the Caribbean by Captain Bligh of the "Bounty" in 1793.
The dark green shiny leaves are shaped somewhat like huge hands with light colored veins growing downwards to the finger tips. The fruit is the shape and size of a European football, it's used as a vegetable, and is extremely popular in Barbadian kitchens.
It is delicious when cooked and can be prepared and used in exactly the same way as a potato. Breadfruit can be mashed, roasted, pickled, fried or even processed into a gluten-free flour! One of the lovely attributes about the "Breadfruit" is that it has a delightful, slightly nutty flavor, which one may be happy to note, cannot be transmitted to the mind!
The versatility of this fruit is well-loved across the island and for luncheons and dinner parties the leaves can be used as very attractive tropical place-mats.
Popular breadfruit dishes enjoyed by locals and visitors include:
- Pudding & Souse with Pickled Breadfruit
- Breadfruit Cou-Cou
- Roast Breadfruit
- Breadfruit Chips
- Bajan Soup