People of Barbados
Barbados Ordinary & Extraordinary Personalities

The Caribbean is full of people who are larger than life. They fill your mind with their colourful speech, their walk, their engaging looks and their endless energy and love of life. They are children who will never grow old, no matter what their age, they insist on having fun.
Barbados People, characters and personalities are no exception to the rule, but Barbadians (also known as Bajans) will surprise with their warmth, casual charm and sophistication. The island is a reflection of its people. Here the simple chattel house sits boldly in the splendor of wealthy estates. The beach vendor will happily discuss the meaning of life with anyone, from Pope to movie star. They usually have an inspired point of view.
Featured Bajan
Explore the interior of Barbados & Six Mens Bay, and meet Sarge, a local fisherman, and hear his story....
Meet a Bajan
Bajan Lifestyles
Bajan Personalities
Barbadians are different to other Caribbean Personalities in many ways. They are most spiritual and religiously conscious. They are by nature open, thoughtful and generous. They love a party but will have time for anyone, they like people, no matter what background, race, and disposition. They make time for quiet and shy people and draw them out with disarming innocence and charm. They will rise to the occasion on any occasion to shoot the breeze and laugh and joke with the most outrageous personalities of our time.
The Story of Barbados People - Rogues in Paradise
Grab Sample Chapters of Rogues in Paradise
Learn More>>>The Real Story of Barbados People
- a remarkable people, place & history.----------------------------
What Visitors Say
I have spent the last eight winters holidaying in Barbados. Although I've tried other islands in the Caribbean from time to time, none really match up to Barbados and the reason is chiefly down to the people. Bajans are the friendliest islanders. It is also one of the few places - in the world - where a single woman traveller can wander around feeling perfectly safe. Guess where I'm going next Christmas? In fact I've just booked up this morning, one month from Dec 15th. Heaven. I'm dreaming of a sunny Christmas...
Mary Watts, UK
I was in Barbados in April. I went there for 5 days but every single day I called the airlines to extend for another day then another day and on and on. I have never been to a more beautiful island in my life. I have traveled most of the Caribbean, Mexico, Cuba, JA, etc. but being in Barbados was like being in heaven.
The people were so incredibly friendly I was shocked. I was asking for direction one day and the man actually jumped into the back of our Mok and directed us to where we were going right up to the front door. The hospitality and special treatment we got from every single person we met could not be compared to anywhere else I have been. I am now planning my wedding and intend to go to Barbados with my fiancé and elope while we are there. I can't wait to get back to my favorite place on this earth!
Elayne Nusbaum